Uneven Terrain Treadmill

This treadmill enables studies involving uneven terrain to take place in a controlled lab environment. Such an environment facilitates repeatable conditions and allows the use of lab-based sensors such as motion capture, force plates, and respirometry.

I worked with a post-doctoral researcher to design the terrain pattern such that it provided a variety of disturbances while appearing random to the user. I then spent 2-3 months modifying a commercial treadmill and fabricating custom components to achieve our design.

Stripped commercial treadmill

Stapling blocks onto treadmill belt

Custom frame crossbar for block clearance

Relocating motor drive electronics

Locking hinge reduces footprint for storage

Caster wheels improve maneuverability

The treadmill was used to test a prosthesis controller designed to cancel out ground irregularities. The treadmill operated for hours of walking experiments with minimal wear and maintenance.

Prosthesis emulator on uneven terrain treadmill

Candidate terrain patterns and disturbance distributions

First-Author Publication:


Prosthesis Controller for Uneven Terrain

Video clips from experiment

Three foot conditions shown: prescribed, spring-like, and cancelling